African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Netherlands informs Egypt of postponement of screening of offensive film

Posted by African Press International on April 13, 2008

Publisher: Korir, api source.apa

The Netherlands officially informed Egypt that Dutch citizen Ihsan Jamie, who intended to screen the cartoon film on the life of Prophet Muhammad on April 20 has now given up the idea.

The Netherlands ambassador to Egypt, Mr. de Rfan on Saturday handed over a letter from his government on this matter to the Egyptian minister of Religious Affairs, Dr Hamdi Zaqzouq.

The message pointed out that Jamie expressed concern that his film will cause the split within Dutch society.

It is said that the film included some abusive scenes against the Prophet Mohammed.

Many Egyptian media organizations had started a few days ago implementing an expanded campaign to boycott Dutch goods and products in protest against screening of the film, and Egyptian public opinion responded positively to this campaign.



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