African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

The bonding ODM-K trip to the UK is a waste of money

Posted by African Press International on March 6, 2007

Do you know for Kenyans wishing to attend this ‘bonding trip’ it shall cost them between £1000 to £10000 depending on where they want to sit ?!

The more you pay the closer you will sit to these aspiring presidents. Did they have to spend all  that money for such a meeting whereas there are so many places they could have done it in Kenya?

I see Kenya being taken for another ride: I have no hope on any of these people. Actions speak louder than words and it’s what they should be doing to showcase that they are capable of leading Kenya. People are dying everyday due to lack of food, poor infrastructure and so many other things that this money could have gone to.

I watched a programme on BBC about Red Nose, a fundraising event in the UK that aims to support work in Africa. One of the officials of the project had travelled to Kenya, Wajir for that matter, to do a documentary and to show where the money raised goes.

He highlighted various things that people from that area need. He made a comment that does depict the situation in the area which was, ‘if you live in areas above the equator you are nowhere in the Kenya government’s eyes’.

There is so much poverty and to make it worse they are nomads so you can imagine what happens when the drought hits!

Anyway, there was a young lad who had approached some government officials in the area so as to get funds through CDF in order to attend high school, but his efforts were fruitless and you could tell this guy really wanted to go to school.

The man doing the documentary took the lad and some other 6 or so people that had told him of their problems, including some teachers of the only school in that whole area which has more students than it can accomodate: They are forced to have two or more lessons in the same classroom or pupils of different age groups at the same time, and they headed for Nairobi to meet their MP.

They were warmly welcomed but as soon as they started telling of their troubles their MP who had a kitambi bigger than Mount Kilimanjaro dispersed them saying it was all politics.

He complained that they had been hand picked to spoil his name, that they were his opponents, he questioned why there were no supporters of him among the group and much more verbal diarrhoea. I was embarrassed to say the least.

The man who had initiated the meeting was shocked beyond words, can you imagine him coming all the way from UK to help Kenyan citizens and getting such a reception from the person who is supposed to do that work? 

Anyway they all left peacefully and back to where no one cares about their plight and Red Nose man came back to UK aired his findings to the public who vowed to continue to help these unfortunate people despite the kind of government the country has!

Thinking about that programme makes me want to take the next flight to Kenya and give that MP a piece of my mind. I highly doubt the literacy of some of our government officials!

By Ebony

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