African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Alleged witness says American CIA killed Liberian President Tolbert

Posted by African Press International on August 11, 2008

One of the founding members of the defunct Progressive Alliance of Liberia (PAL), Counselor Chea Cheapoo said it was the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that killed President William R. Tolbert, and not the military junta that toppled his ruling True Whig Party regime on April 12, 1980.

Cheapoo said he was informed after the blody military coup by the wife of President Tolbert that it was a ‘white man’ associated with the CIA that killed her husband.

Counselor Cheapoo, who testified before the ongoing Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) hearings, further indicated that he was later shown a map by one of the coup makers, used by the CIA to enter the Executive Mansion to carry out their mission.

Cheapoo accused the CIA of involvement in series of actions that resulted in problems for the Liberian state, and called on them to stop meddling in the affairs of the Liberian nation.

Cheapoo who served as the first Justice Minister when the People’s Redemption Council (PRC) added that the military regime which removed the government from power never trusted the politicians, and never informed them about certain actions they took.

Cheapoo said as even as Justice minister, he had nothing to do with the execution of the former 13 government officials by the coup makers.

The execution of the 13 former officials of the True Whig Party (TWP) sparked widespread tension and condemnation, and is said to have been responsible for the civil war.

Charles Taylor himself (a Congo or Americo-Liberian) announced in 1990, that he brought the war to revenge the execution of the 13 former government officials who were all members of the Settler Community, otherwise known as ’Congos’.



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