African Press International (API)

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Politic-Sene-gambia/Senegalese opposition Plans ahead of 2012

Posted by African Press International on October 6, 2009

Senegalese Oppositions up to oust Wade

Banjul, Gambia (API)-Opposition leaders in Senegal has been going through many channels possible in order to remove President Abdoulie Wade from office come the 2012 general elections.

Opposition leader, Landing SAVANE of ANDJEF/PADS (African Party for Democracy and Socialism)  who is on holiday in Banjul, said one of the issues discussed by Senegalese opposition is that if Wade is not defeated in the first round of voting, then there is a probability that opposition parties will form a coalition to ensure that he is ousted.

Mr. SAVANE was speaking in an interview with this reporterat Sarge’s Hotel, Senegambia today Sunday. However, he said that the current regime has proposed to amend parts of the electoral laws. Currently, the voting system in Senegal is that if a candidate cannot afford to secure up to 50 per cent of the votes, then there will be a run-off (second round).

According to him, President Wade has proposed to do away with the second round of voting and opted for a simple majority voting system (the first past, the post system). He said the change is yet to be effected but stressed that it will be unfair and undemocratic provided that Wade succeeded in changing the voting system without the consent of the opposition.

He said that a national body called Assises National Delegates, Chaired by Amadou Muktarr, a retired senior UNESCO official, has been formed to enlighten the people on what is happening in the country and also proposals for a change of government.

“The association is made up of intellectuals, opposition members and religious leaders.”

Vote rigging

Mr. SAVANE, who hailed from Binjoune, Southern Senegal, is optimistic that come 2012, the opposition will win the elections provided that they are not cheated, adding that the electorate has loose confidence in the Senegalese leader.

Asked what proves are there to justify his claim, he said, ‘we have not conducted a survey to know whether Wade’s support is declining but I am a statistician and from the look of things, it clear that the people no longer wants him.’

“In Senegal, people are not allowed to conduct public surveys on the political situation,” he said.

Freedom of expression and funding problems

SAVANE, who has been into politics since 1966, said it has been very difficult for people to be prevented from expressing their views though they have been jailed sometimes for criticizing governments.

He admitted that some opposition parties are faced with funding problems; nonetheless, there are others that have funds and means of challenging Mr. Wade.

He said that there is no specific problem confronting the opposition in Senegal. “Its like any other country, in Benin and Mali the opposition has won elections. We only have it in Senegal in 2000 when Wade was elected into office.

Wada’s lows

Asked what are the points to focus on where the current regime has failed or recorded low outcomes, he said that Wada’s administration have failed to provide enough energy in order to ensure a vibrant industrial enterprise.

He also argued that Wada’s foreign policies are becoming unacceptable. “He is supporting coups which are contradictory to international community principles,” he said.

He also said that the present day government of Senegal is inactive in dealing with natural disasters such as floods. He stressed that corruption is also key in the current government.

The opposition leader, who is currently on holidays in The Gambia, said he has no plans to meet the Gambian leader or government officials but did not rule out the possibility of meeting government officials in the near future.

“I have decided to be spending my holidays in African countries rather than going to Europe, I have no plans to meet government officials but I hope to meet them when next I visit The Gambia,” he concluded. 01API MSS 4th 0ctober 2009


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