African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

AU expresses satisfaction on military success in Anjouan

Posted by African Press International on March 30, 2008

Published by Korir, api source.apa

The African Union (AU) Commission on Friday evening expressed its satisfaction over the military success in Comoros whose aim was to remove self-declared Anjouan leader Colonel Mohamed Bacar.

The AU expressed its satisfaction after the Peace and Security Council convened its 117th meeting on Friday in the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa to discuss the situation in Anjouan.

“Council expressed satisfaction at the fact that the Comorian forces backed by Tanzania, the Sudan and Libya have succeeded in restoring the authority of the Union of the Comoros in the island of Anjouan, thus putting an end to the illegal regime of Colonel Mohamed Bacar who has constantly rejected all the proposals submitted by the AU as a way out of the crisis,” the AU said.

The AU imposed various sanctions since 2007 on the Anjouan authorities who refused to solve the problem peacefully and through dialogue.

“Council seized the opportunity to express the gratitude of the AU to the governments of Tanzania, the Sudan and Libya for their logistical support and the troops provided, in response to the appeal for assistance made by the Comorian government,” the AU said.

The Council also expressed its gratitude to Senegal for its contribution in the planning of the military operation.

It also stressed that the AU will continue to support the Comorian government in the new phase that has opened, including the organization of new elections in Anjouan.

“To this end, Council welcomed the commitment made by the Comorian government to organize as soon as possible elections in Anjouan, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and other relevant texts governing the modus operandi of the Union of the Comoros,” the AU added.

The AU further appealed to all the member states and the international community as a whole to provide the necessary support for the consolidation of peace, stability and reconciliation in the Comoros.

The Council agreed to meet soon to consider the modalities according to which the AU will continue to lend support to the efforts of the authorities of the Union and those of the autonomous islands, in order to consolidate peace and stability in the Comoros and facilitate the search for an adequate solution to the institutional problems of the new Comorian entity.


African Press International -API

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