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Archive for March 30th, 2008

Coalition Government was bound to have selfish hiccups!

Posted by African Press International on March 30, 2008

Published by Korir, api 

api-correspondent-harrison-ikunda.jpg<Story by Harrison Mwirigi Ikunda (left photo), Nairobi – Kenya

The national accord signed between Messrs Kibaki and Raila was hilariously hailed as a major step towards national healing and re-uniting a nation heavily divided by a poll fiasco. The point of the matter is that Kenya had trended a very familiar path with African states viz that of a chaotic settlement of governance problems.

However the fact that the accord was signed does not at all imply all is still well. Already the difficulties experienced in forming a coalition government especially on dealing with weighty issues on portfolio equity on cabinet positions plus the size of the cabinet are evidently telling. Kenya still has a very long way to go in sorting out her governance problems.

If the history of Kenya is carefully examined and critiqued the mere fact that Kenya has relatively enjoyed peace when considered against African standards may not be telling much. The point is that the lopsided governance over time has only succeeded in alienating various communities at given times of various governments. The upshot is that governance has been viewed as a means of eating time for the communities where the leader or ruling cliques hail from. But unfortunately the actions of the leaders over time which have been largely self centered have created a lot of trouble for the community they hail from and others outside their own. In a nutshell their actions have been utterly selfish!

Let’s put it in clear perspective that somebody occupying the Ministry of Finance as a Minister for instance ranks quite high in government in view of the clout the office and the ministry wields. You would be foolish to compare this with some of the ministries which actually were former departments or others probably intended which are merely like canteens in major organizations buildings. The ministries of Internal Security, foreign affairs, Roads and Public works, Local government definitely means a lot more so in a country like Kenya with a lot of structural problems. So when portfolio balancing is mentioned we all know what it all means and why.

But I guess the solution in the stalemate and other very likely stalemates to follow the coalition government (whatever time it will come to fruition) simply lies with the two principals, Messrs Kibaki and Raila Odinga, no more! The two have a history to make. They can create an enduring legacy of a state that will enjoy political, social and economic progress or set it to perpetual dysfunctions and confusion all too familiar in Africa and in the third world.

Meanwhile Kenyans should demand clear leadership. Appointment of ministers and other leaders may they be in civil service or parastatals should no longer be rewards to naked cronyism. And the two principals should set the pace by ensuring the Ministers and various heads have strictly enforceable performance contracts which should be reviewed every six months. These should be clear and to a measure known to the  public. Reprisals should be firm and swiftly for non performers. Methinks that our country cannot afford any more laxity and mediocrity.

In the meantime, it is an opportune time to ask Kenyans to participate in large numbers to the ongoing Safaricom IPO. They built Safaricom by their largely prepaid patronage and few others by post paid. Is it asking too much to ask many institutions including banks, employers, SACCos and so on to enable as many as possible to share in this rare cake. Poor Kenyans built a great company called Safaricom and they deserve to won it very strongly.


African Press International – API

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Somali insurgents fire mortar shells at presidential palace in Mogadishu

Posted by African Press International on March 30, 2008

Published by Korir, api source.apa

Mortar shells have killed at least six people and wounded more than 12 others in the Somali capital, Mogadishu on Saturday, shortly after an unannounced visit by the Ethiopian foreign minister Siyum Misfin.

Earlier in the day, Ethiopian soldiers sealed off the area and several hundred Ethiopian and government troops created a strong protective cordon around the presidential palace, to provide security for the Ethiopian Foreign Minister, who arrived in the capital unannounced.

“The insurgents launched about six mortar shells at the hilltop palace, where the Ethiopian foreign minister and the Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf were having a meeting at the time, but there were no reported injuiries during the 10-minute attack,” one of the security staff at the palace told APA on condition of anonymity.

“We heard several mortar shells but I did not count, I am sure four of them hit inside the presidential compound,” said Sa’id Ahmed Wehliye, a resident, who lives near the compound.

Immediately, the government soldiers and the Ethiopians guarding the palace returned mortar fire, killing at least six people at the city’s main Bakara market.

“About 12 mortar bombs hit the market, most of them at a small money exchange section; I saw the dead bodies of three businessmen and two shoppers,” said Sahrif Nur Aden, a business man at the market.

“It was a scene of tragic and horrific incident, I could see some people running with blood covered faces and some lying in the streets of the market shouting for help,” said another businessman Omar Keynaan.


African Press International – API

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Algerian President visits Egypt

Posted by African Press International on March 30, 2008

Published by Korir, api source.apa

Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika will pay an official visit to Egypt on Sunday at the invitation of President Hosni Mubarak.

According Egyptian official sources, the two leaders will hold bilateral talks on various areas, including ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in several areas.

The two leaders will also review the latest Arab, African and international developments and issues of mutual concern.


African Press International – API

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Posted by African Press International on March 30, 2008

Published by Korir, api source.apa

The head of Public Affairs of the Nigerian Film Corporation, Mr Brian Etuk on Saturday said that more than 98 entries had been received for the Zuma Film Festival in Nigeria scheduled to be held in Abuja in May.

Etuk said in statement in Abuja that the breakdown showed that 67of the entries came from Nigeria, five from other African countries while 26 are from Europe, the Americas and Asia.

“All the categories, short films, feature films, documentary films, animation films, emerging talents, children’s films and the non-competitive films have all recorded impressive number of entries,’’ he said.

Etuk said that the number of entries would increase in the coming days as the build up to the ZUMA Film Festival gathers momentum.

He disclosed that a US- based Nigerian film expert, Professor Jude Akudinobi, had been named the head of jury for the 2008 edition of the Nigeria film festival.

Etuk said the choice of Akudinobi was meant to further boost the international profile of the festival.

Akudinobi holds a Doctorate degree in cinema and television production from the University of California, Los Angeles and currently teaches at the same university, Santa Barbra campus.

Etuk said that Akudinobi would be leading eight other panel members who would select the best entries in all categories for the ZUMA film festival.

He said that the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) had indicated its support for the festival, which holds in Abuja from 4-8 May, 2008.


African Press International – API

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AU expresses satisfaction on military success in Anjouan

Posted by African Press International on March 30, 2008

Published by Korir, api source.apa

The African Union (AU) Commission on Friday evening expressed its satisfaction over the military success in Comoros whose aim was to remove self-declared Anjouan leader Colonel Mohamed Bacar.

The AU expressed its satisfaction after the Peace and Security Council convened its 117th meeting on Friday in the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa to discuss the situation in Anjouan.

“Council expressed satisfaction at the fact that the Comorian forces backed by Tanzania, the Sudan and Libya have succeeded in restoring the authority of the Union of the Comoros in the island of Anjouan, thus putting an end to the illegal regime of Colonel Mohamed Bacar who has constantly rejected all the proposals submitted by the AU as a way out of the crisis,” the AU said.

The AU imposed various sanctions since 2007 on the Anjouan authorities who refused to solve the problem peacefully and through dialogue.

“Council seized the opportunity to express the gratitude of the AU to the governments of Tanzania, the Sudan and Libya for their logistical support and the troops provided, in response to the appeal for assistance made by the Comorian government,” the AU said.

The Council also expressed its gratitude to Senegal for its contribution in the planning of the military operation.

It also stressed that the AU will continue to support the Comorian government in the new phase that has opened, including the organization of new elections in Anjouan.

“To this end, Council welcomed the commitment made by the Comorian government to organize as soon as possible elections in Anjouan, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and other relevant texts governing the modus operandi of the Union of the Comoros,” the AU added.

The AU further appealed to all the member states and the international community as a whole to provide the necessary support for the consolidation of peace, stability and reconciliation in the Comoros.

The Council agreed to meet soon to consider the modalities according to which the AU will continue to lend support to the efforts of the authorities of the Union and those of the autonomous islands, in order to consolidate peace and stability in the Comoros and facilitate the search for an adequate solution to the institutional problems of the new Comorian entity.


African Press International -API

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