African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Kenya: GG Kariuki of Narc-K dismisses ODM-K leaders calling them self-seekers!

Posted by African Press International on November 20, 2006

 Mr GG Kariuki of Narc-K has urged the Kenyan electorate to give Kibaki the second term as president in the next general elections.

He dismissed ODM-K leaders saying they are self-seekers without credentials to assume the presidency.

The Laikipia MP said Kibaki had “ignored ODM-K leaders because they were not in his league. He said Kibaki remains the best candidate for the Presidency and urged the electorate to give him a second term.”

Transport Assistant minister Mr Njeru Githae has been reported to have hailed the police for their actions in dispersing those who thronged the Kamukunji grounds Sunday claiming they were going to attend a prayer meeting. The assistant minister told the press that the meeting was going to be a political one and not a prayer as ODM- K leaders had said.

Githae urged Nyeri residents to stop competing against those of Murang’a and Kiambu districts. Instead they should vote as a block in the coming elections.

Kariuki was a powerful minister in Moi’s government during the time Kibaki was the vice president. When Kibaki took over, he has not considered Kariuki for any post in his government.

When Kariuki was minister of state in the office of the President, Kibaki, then VP could not get through to Moi  easily unless Kariuki together the other then powerful minister of state, the “Total Man” Mr Biwott, who was in the same office with GG gave  a go-ahead for Kibaki to see Moi, and yet he two (Kariuki and Biwott) were junior to Kibaki.

Kibaki cannot forget such days when the two men humiliated him, especially when he is now the one to decide who he can call upon to serve him at his pleasure.

Kariuki knows what he is doing when he calls on the electorate to give President Kibaki another term in office. He could simply  be sending a signal to the president that he is a loyal man and asking for consideration for a ministerial position.

The President, when appointing ministers and assistant ministers recently, left vacant the ministry of Lands. If he is not thinking to return Kimunya to Lands then he might be considering the Lakipia MP for the post. Let us not forget that GG has earlier headed the Lands ministry during KANU days.

By Korir, African Press in Norway, APN

Source: The Standard/ke/20/11

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