African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

ODM-Kenya branch opens in the US!

Posted by African Press International on October 6, 2006

According to the Kenya times, ODM-Kenya has taken a major step. ODM-K branch opens in the US ahead of the one planned to open in Scandinavia.

This is a major development ahead of general elections next year. Now that ODM-K has taken this step to allow opening of branches abroad, this development will encourage Kenyans in other countries to do the same.

The major issue now is whether the constituiton review committee will speed up changes so that Kenyans abroad will be able to vote in the coming elections.

The opening of such a branch is an indication that Kenyans are really for a total change in the running of the affairs of their country and would like to be involved even if they do not have residence in Kenya.

As an indication of seriousness, the Kenya times reports that “The meeting was attended by an aspirant for the Kibwezi parliamentary seat in next year’s general elections, Joseph Nduulu, who is currently visiting the US.”

The burning question now is whether Narc-K will follow suit by opening branches abroad.

For details, check the site below;

By Korir, African Press – Norway

Oslo, 5th october 2006 

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