African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

IMF boss in trouble in New York – Rape is the charge

Posted by African Press International on May 16, 2011

According to the Daily Nation, Kenya – “IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a man who would seem to have it all: a brilliant career which has taken him to the pinnacle of success with a real shot at becoming the next president of France. But early on Sunday he was charged with sexual assault and attempted rape of a hotel maid in New York, only hours after being escorted off an Air France flight about to take off from the city.”

His future is now upside down if he does not manage to convince the court that he did not rape the woman. Many observers say the accusation may be political, that he may have been set up so that he does not manage to take over as next president of France.

If this is a set up then he will be cleared. However, it is an uphill task. The question is , who is the woman and who brought her to work in the hotel, how did they know the IMF boss would be there. Politics is dirty and this may really be a set up.

By Chief editor Korir

One Response to “IMF boss in trouble in New York – Rape is the charge”

  1. Chris W said

    First thing to note – Mr Strauss-Kahn wants a world currency that is not the US dollar.
    The maid is a refugee who could have her work permit withdrawn if she upsets the authorities by non-cooperation.
    If you believe the hotel’s story, he came naked from the shower at 1pm. Even though he must have had one before breakfast. While the maid was rushing to the lobby to get help, MR S-K dressed, packed his suitcase, rang the airport for the next available flight and left the hotel – all before security could get to his room. Even left his phone behind.

    And why in America do victims need a lawyer? In UK, it would be the prosecutor. I think the maid is a victim. But not of the IMF boss.


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