African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Norway hits hard on the Iranians: Norway requests Iranian diplomat to leave the country

Posted by African Press International on March 4, 2010

On 24 February, the Norwegian Ambassador in Teheran was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry. During the meeting he was given an official note and a letter addressed to Foreign Minister Støre, in which Iran protested against Norway having granted asylum to Mohammed Reza Heydari.

At the same meeting, the Iranian authorities requested that a Norwegian diplomat should leave Iran. The reason given for this was that Mr Heydari had been granted asylum in Norway.

Norway has reacted strongly to the Iranian authorities’ request that a Norwegian diplomat should leave Teheran because of an asylum matter in Norway. “This is a totally unacceptable reaction on the part of Iran. The right to seek asylum is enshrined in international law,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

Mr Heydari’s asylum application has been assessed on an individual basis, and the competent immigration authorities have concluded that he fulfils the requirements for being granted asylum in Norway.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repudiated Iran’s protests in a note and a letter to the Iranian Foreign Minister, as well as at a meeting with the Iranian chargé d’affaires in Oslo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also requested that an Iranian diplomat should leave Norway.


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