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Archive for June 29th, 2009

Frail Michael Jackson: 8st 1oz, no food just pills in his stomach, bald, bruised, his ribs broken by CPR, 4 needle wounds near his heart…

Posted by African Press International on June 29, 2009



THE horrifying state of pop superstar Michael Jackson in his final days can be revealed by The Sun today.

Harrowing leaked autopsy details show the singer was a virtual skeleton barely eating and with only pills in his stomach at the time he died.

His hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle wounds — believed to be the result of injections of narcotic painkillers, given three times a day for years.

And a mass of surgery scars were thought to be the legacy of at least 13 cosmetic operations.

Experts found the distressing evidence of Jacko’s physical decline while investigating his startling death in Los Angeles last week.

Tragic … Michael Jackson’s body on way to coroner

Tragic ... Michael Jackson's body on way to coroner

Splash News

The examination showed the 5ft 10in star once famed for his on-stage athleticism had:

PLUNGED to a severely emaciated 8st 1oz. It is understood anorexic Jackson had been eating just one meagre meal a day.

Pathologists found his stomach empty aside from partially-dissolved pills he took before the painkiller injection which stopped his heart. Samples were sent for toxicology tests.

LOST virtually all his hair. The pop pin-up was wearing a wig when he died and pathologists said little more than “peach fuzz covered his scalp.

A scarred section of skin above his left ear was entirely bald apparently the result of a 1984 accident when his hair caught fire as he filmed an ad for Pepsi.

SUFFERED several broken ribs as frantic rescuers pumped his chest after he collapsed in cardiac arrest. Four injection sites were found above or near to Jacko’s heart.

All appeared to result from attempts to pump adrenaline directly into the organ in a failed bit to restart it.

Three of the injections had penetrated the heart wall causing damage but a fourth missed and hit one of the 50-year-old star’s ribs.

The autopsy also found unexplained BRUISING on Jackson’s knees and on the fronts of both shins. And there were CUTS on his back, indicating a recent fall.

The King of Pop’s once handsome face bore a network of plastic surgery scars, while the bridge to his nose had vanished and its right side had partially collapsed.

As inquiries into the tragedy last night focused on the star’s personal physician Dr Conrad Murray, a source close to the Jackson entourage said: Michael’s family and fans will be horrified when they realise the appalling state he was in.

He was skin and bone, his hair had fallen out and had been eating nothing but pills when he died. Injection marks all over his body and the disfigurement caused by years of plastic surgery show he’d been in terminal decline for years.

His doctors and the hangers-on stood by as he self-destructed. Somebody is going to have to pay.

Cardiologist Dr Murray was thought to have given Jackson the final injection of painkiller Demerol.

He is facing serious questions about his resuscitation attempts, which began when he started CPR as Jacko lay unconscious on a bed. Basic first aid guidance says patients must be face-up on a hard surface before compressions.

Experts yesterday expressed amazement that a trained cardiologist could have made such an error, potentially wasting vital minutes.

Additional damage was believed to have been caused by oxygen masks and tubing inserted during resuscitation attempts. But in an ironic twist, the probe found Jacko was recovering well from skin cancer — with an op to shave cells from his chest a total success.

A second autopsy demanded by the Jackson family was carried out at a secret location on Saturday after the first ruled out foul play.

Family friend Rev Jesse Jackson said the family were deeply suspicious about what caused his death.

Dr Murray was hired just 11 days ago by AEG Live the firm masterminding Jacko’s 50-date residency at London’s O2 Arena, which was due to start next month.

Sources claimed the family were preparing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the cardiologist.

Detectives were unable to find the doctor at Jackson’s home and his car was taken away for analysis as police sought him for questioning. He surfaced late on Friday and was quizzed over the weekend.

The Sun told on Saturday how Jacko had developed stage fright for the first time and was terrified of performing the comeback gigs.

Aides claimed the ailing star even believed he would be KILLED if he pulled out on health grounds. We also revealed he was taking a potentially toxic cocktail of drugs.

Sources last night said prescriptions for drugs for patients other than Jacko were found at his home. Those patients were due to be quizzed.


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On the off chance any of you were in a coma last week, Michael Jackson died. He died of celebrity. His death eclipsed other celebrity passings last week, notably, actress Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon and infomercial king Billie Mays. RIP, all.

Posted by African Press International on June 29, 2009

The article below dwells on the lives after death and why others seem to be given 24/7 media coverage. Are some people’s lives more important than others? Some die and we hear nothing and when some diethe media gets crazy and gives 24/7 coverage! What a world we live in /API/

Culture Watch Vol. 73
Nancy Morgan
June 29, 2009

On the off chance any of you were in a coma last week, Michael Jackson died. He died of celebrity. His death eclipsed other celebrity passings last week, notably, actress Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon and infomercial king Billie Mays. RIP, all.
Last week also saw capitalism in intensive care, with recovery from the government takeover of huge segments of the free market increasingly in doubt. The media rejoices, the politicians plot. In lieu of flowers, your tax dollars will be welcome, and involuntary.
Before we outline the ‘changes’ the government has been feverishly enacting as Americans are diverted with 24/7 Michael Jackson eulogies, we’ll relay the:
Several states are finally standing up to the federal government’s abuse of state sovereignty. Lawmakers in six states are considering legislation to “protect” citizens from a federal health care plan by creating statewide initiatives to vote on whether to opt out of the proposed national program. This is good. And overdue.
Arizona is preparing for the misnamed ‘climate’ bill, that passed the House this week. (With eight Republican votes.) Their state Senate voted Monday, 19-10 to approve a bill banning the Department of Environmental Quality from enacting or enforcing measures with language pertaining to climate change. This is very good. I urge other states to follow suit.
Continuing to fly under the radar, Louisiana became the 7th state, joining Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Idaho and Tennessee to affirm its sovereignty under the tenth amendment. Full details of the sovereignty movement here.

More good news as a CBS-New York Times survey shows that support for redefining marriage to include same-gender couples has declined. And the shocker of the week: the very liberal state of Maine has cut both spending and taxes. They’ve finally realized that there’s just no getting around reality. Kudos.
Remember Iraq? The war we won that wasn’t reported? The number of Al Qaeda extremists in Iraq has plummeted and their ability to maintain a high-level of attacks has been eroded, U.S. intelligence suggests. My heartfelt thanks to all our guys in the military who continue to do the heavy lifting so others can demand brand new rights.

A sadistic homosexual engages in “electro-torture” by remote control of another man at New York City’s “Folsom East” block party held June 21st

Last week was chock full of sex. From the gay festivals in New York and San Francisco, to the orgy billboard by Calvin Klein and the gross new ad from Burger King. Modesty is dead and sex has gone public in a very big way. All the details in this week’s article Public Sex.
Researchers at the University of Michigan have concluded that the love stories told in classic G-rated children’s films are partially to blame for the pervasiveness of what they label “heteronormativity.” I guess that means fearing what’s normal. Go figure.
A buck-a-day — that’s the incentive being offered to young North Carolina girls to keep them from getting pregnant. Where do I sign up?
Symbols of communism and marijuana and a prediction that “capitalism will fail” are what students at private school in Berkeley, Calif., chose to include in their “Class of 2007” mosaic. I wonder who taught them to hate capitalism. And why.
Hundreds of New York City public school teachers accused of various offenses are being paid their full salaries to sit around all day playing Scrabble, surfing the Internet or just staring at the wall. Maybe I should join a union, too.

If you live in New York, you may have seen this “Atheist Pride’ ad. The 12-foot-long ads on NYC buses proclaim “You don’t have to believe in god to be a moral or ethical person.” Duh.
Sandra Bernhard issued a blistering warning to Sarah Palin during a performance of her new one-woman show saying she would be “gang-raped by my big black brothers” if she enters Manhattan. My lawyer has advised me I won’t slapped with a hate crime if I say this ‘lady’ has no class. Or manners. I could be at legal risk, however, if Sandra is a transexual. Or becomes a government employee.

Right Bias is going to skip our Government At Work section this week. There is so much crucial (and largely unreported) news that we just don’t have the space to cover all the scandals, ethics lapses, cover-ups, misstatements, government abuses, etc.

How much will the proposed climate legislation cost your state? Find out here.
A new study shows that a college degree isn’t worth what it costs. Interesting read.
Beware: ACORN, the far left group that is under investigation for voter fraud (and is still being paid our tax dollars to conduct the census) is changing its name. Unfortunately, that’s the only thing that will change. John Conyers, who’s wife just admitted taking bribes, has said that the ‘powers that be’ have shut down an investigation into this corrupt organization. I digress.

Miss Millie, winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog award

The Tea Party movement is alive and well, with all 50 states planning demonstrations on the fourth of July. With SC Governor Sanford now sullied by an extra-marital affair, with the GOP acting like an adjunct of the Democrat party, and with the blatant and unconstitutional policies being foisted on America, I urge you to keep some perspective. History shows that when given enough rope, Democrats end up hanging themselves. Till then, check out Miss Millie and keep smiling.


Nancy Morgan

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Posted by African Press International on June 29, 2009

Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre is visiting Baghdad today Monday 29 June. He will have meetings with Iraqs Foreign Minister Hosiyar Zebari, Minister for Human Rights Wijdan Michel Salim and representatives of NGOs and the UN. I have hoped to be able to visit Iraq for quite some time, and I am pleased the opportunity has now come, said Foreign Minister Stre.

Contact between Norway and Iraq has lately become closer, and I will therefore inform the Iraqi Foreign Minister today that Norway will establish a diplomatic presence in Baghdad, said Mr Stre.

Norway will establish an embassy office in Baghdad, which will be under the Norwegian Embassy in Amman.

I also hope to obtain more information about democratic, social and economic developments in Iraq, where a lot still remains to be done, although progress has been made. In order to get an overview of the situation, I will meet civil society representatives and the International Committee of the Red Cross in addition to the Iraqi authorities, said the Foreign Minister.

On 15 May, the Norwegian and Iraqi authorities signed an agreement on the return of Iraqi nationals, and implementation of the agreement will be one of the items on the agenda in the Foreign Ministers meetings. The Norwegian business sector is considering increasing its involvement in the Iraqi energy sector, and this will also be a topic of discussion.


source.MFA(Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs)

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Kenya: Muthaura admitted in hospital -He is considered by ODM party as enemy nr one, a man who has Prime Minister Raila’s powers

Posted by African Press International on June 29, 2009

Muthaura is a very powerful man and has had prime ministerial powers despite the fact that Kenya has a PM. As secretary to the cabinet, he is the man who ensures that cabinet decisions are communicated to the ministries and action taken on recommendations. If Muthaura is very sick and unable to return to his powerful job, ODM will be the last party to miss him. This is a man seen by ODM as obstuctionist when it comes to Prime Minister Raila’s powers being put in action by Raila himself. ODM looks at him as President Kibaki’s and PNU’s right hand man.(API)

Muthaura taken ill

Cabinet Secretary Francis Muthaura at a past function in Nairobi. Photo/FILE


The Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet Francis Muthaura has been admitted to hospital.

Mr Muthaura, 61, was admitted to the Nairobi Hospital Monday after falling ill in his Harambee House office.

President Kibaki was among those who visited the ailing civil service boss at the hospital.

According to a source who sought anonymity, Mr Muthaura was admitted in a stable condition. We could however, not establish what he is suffering from.

At the moment, his condition is not bad and doctors have put him under observation in one of our wards, the source added.

On Monday, Government spokesman Alfred Mutua in an entry posted on his website confirmed that Mr Muthaura had been admitted to the hospital.

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Southerners say time running out to save Sudan accord – Parties in conflicting stands

Posted by African Press International on June 29, 2009


In Summary

  • Parties in conflicting stands over progress realised from peace talks in Washington


Sudans former southern rebels today said there had been no concrete progress in talks over a faltering peace deal with the north, and warned time was running out to save the accord.

Sudans Muslim north and its mostly Christian south fought a two-decade civil war that ended in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Leaders from both sides met in Washington last week to discuss remaining disputes over the deal that, analysts warn, may drag the country back to conflict if left unresolved.

A senior official from the souths dominant Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) accused the northern delegation of stalling on a number of key issues, including the position of their shared border, preparations for coming elections and a referendum on southern secession.

No political will

The issues remain the same. There is no progress in resolving the issues yet, SPLM delegation spokesman Yasir Arman told Reuters.

We discovered again that the (norths dominant) National Congress Party has no political will to resolve those issues … We are running out of time.

Mr Armans comments clashed with more upbeat commentary on the Washington conference from the northern delegation, and the events organiser, the US envoy to Sudan, Mr Scott Gration.

Northern delegation head Ghazi Salaheddin told state media late on Saturday the discussions had made solid progress, and chided the SPLM for playing down the chance of success.

The talks could reach a good outcome if the other party expressed a spirit of optimism instead of depicting a bleak image, Mr Salaheddin told the state Suna agency, after flying back into Khartoum from the conference.

He said there had not been time to discuss all outstanding issues, but added there would be a chance for more progress at a second meeting between the two sides in Khartoum in July.

Both sides have accused each other of dragging their feet over implementing the 2005 peace deal, which includes a number of looming deadlines, including national elections scheduled for February 2010, and a referendum on Southern independence in January 2011.

Troops have clashed

The SPLMs Arman said both sides had repeated a previously agreed commitment to abide by the decision of international arbitrators over the borders of the contested central oil region of Abyei.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is due next month to rule on a dispute over the borders of Abyei, a region claimed by the north and the south that includes oilfields and a key pipeline.

Northern and Southern troops have clashed in the area since the 2005 agreement was signed.

Mr Arman added that the Washington event had also succeeded in raising the profile of the CPA, which many in Sudan feel has been overshadowed by efforts to solve the separate conflict in Sudans western Darfur region.

Any return to civil war in Sudan would have a disastrous effect on the country, its oil industry — which involves Frances Total , Chinas CNPC , Malaysias Petronas and other leading operators — and surrounding states.

Two million people died and 4 million fled their homes between 1983 and 2005 as north and south Sudan battled out differences in ideology, ethnicity and religion.

Following the CPA, the SPLM set up a government in the South, while a census was scheduled to be held across the country ahead of presidential, parliamentary and state legislative elections.

Rosy picture

The census was completed in 2008 but some southerners are already contesting the outcome. The logistical challenges of an election were also threatening to derail the process, Refugees International warned in a report.

A key sticking point in the CPA is the status of Abyei. The region was granted special administrative status and given the option to decide in a referendum in 2011 whether to join the South.

The fourth anniversary of the CPA was marked on January 9 in Malakal town. Earlier, Sudanese First Vice-President and President of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir painted a relatively rosy picture.

As we begin contemplating life in the new year, it is equally important to look back and assess what we have achieved as citizens and institutions in 2008, Mr Kiir told the nation in a new years message.

One important achievement is that we managed to maintain peace and stability through the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. If we reflect back to those days before CPA, we can say for sure that we are now more peaceful and secure.

Reports by Reuters and IRIN

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