African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Mauritania: North African country on the way to democracy!

Posted by African Press International on November 19, 2006

The Mauritanians have staged historic voting. Last year the country experienced a bloodless coup.

The BBC has reported that the “turn-out was high. Nearly one million people were eligible to vote in the national parliament and municipal polls.”

The military junta that had taken power, “after the ousting of President Maaouiya Ould Sid Ahmed Taya had promised an early return to civilian government.”

They have kept their promise and returned the country to civilian rule through this historic election. 

The former president ousted by the junta was accused of his autoritarianism. The country had experienced autoritarian rule for 20 years before the juntas took over.

According to BBC, “After casting his vote, the junta leader Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall said he was “satisfied to see Mauritanians embark on the road to democracy and consequently on the way to economic development and political stability.”

Results are expected on Monday.

By Korir, African press in Norway, (APN)

Source: BBC/19/11

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