African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

ODM-K branch planned to open in Oslo, Norway

Posted by African Press International on October 6, 2006

As reported earlier by Kenya Stockholm Blog and later by African Press – Norway, plans are underway to open ODM-K (Orange Democratic Movement of Kenya) Scandinavia chapter.

As a follow up, Mr Peter Ranginya, a Kenyan resident in Norway has now taken the initiative to organize ODM-K supporters and friends living in Norway to meet.

Mr Ranginya told African Press – Norway (APN) yesterday that he plans such a meeting to take place on 14th october in Oslo. He believes that a move to open ODM-K branches outside Kenya is a good thing for democracy in Kenya.

ODM-K wave is now strong outside Kenya and is causing panic within the circles of the ruling elite who are mainly Narc-K supporters. ODM-K is already in full swing in the US where Kenyans started ODM-K chapter recently.

Kenyans are yet to know if president Kibaki will run for re-election next year.

By Korir, African Press – Norway (APN)

Oslo, 6th october 2006 

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