African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Obama allows Iran to help Kenya with a reactor – Deal between the Obamas and API on the October 2008 tape saga may be cancelled and tape made public after all!

Posted by African Press International on February 24, 2009

API reached an agreement with one Michelle Obama representative to end the tape saga. The reason was the fact that both parties wanted things to come to an end.

As we wrote earlier that Kenya and Iran will have closer ties than before, should Obama win the elections, it is now evident that this is happening. The Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga visited Iran sometimes back to discus how Kenya can get Iran’s help to get a reactor to boost Kenya’s electricity needs and while on his trip to that country, he took along Kibaki’s invitation to the Iranian President to visit Kenya.

Today, the Iranian leader is in Kenya to discus business and surprisingly, the US embassy in Kenya has confirmed that the US sees nothing wrong in Kenya’s close ties with Iran.

This is a blessing from the Americans to the Iranians to start helping Kenya with the needed reactor technology. The technology here is the same as the one the US and the West have been protesting about and fighting the Iranian people.

Now that Kenya will get the same help, this indicates that Obama’s US has finally taken new steps to accept the Iranian’s right to decide for themselves and not to be bulldozed by the US and the West.

We will elaborate on the tape saga and the agreement this coming Thursday or Friday. If API decides to break the agreement, the public will be given the reasons  as to why the tape must be made public after all. The tape will confirm the New US administration’s real feelings towards Iran during the elections before Obama became the President.

By Chief Editor Korir

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