African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

News in Brief from RightBias Online.

Posted by African Press International on May 16, 2011

By  RightBias   – USA   


White Americans See Anti-White Bias on the Rise: 

Both white and black Americans perceive significant progress in the fight against anti-black bias, but white Americans believe the progress has come at their expense, a new survey finds.                   Wall Street Journal                 
U.S. To Hit Debt Ceiling Today

The debt-laden US government’s credit card will hit its limit Monday, creating a cash crunch that puts the country’s credit standing at risk as politicians battle over its long-term deficit.        Breitbart
Gingrich Backs Obamacare’s Individual Mandate 

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Sunday that he strongly supports a federal mandate requiring citizens to buy health insurance a position that has been rejected by many Republicans.            Newsmax
Administration Approves 200 More New Obamacare Waivers:
The Obama administration approved 204 new waivers to Democrats’ healthcare reform law over the past month, bringing the total to 1,372.    The Hill

Of Interest:  Goodbye, White America:
The numbers are in: the white population is moribund. The latest figures from the 2010 census point to the emergence of a new America to be eventually dominated by minorities, especially Hispanics and Asians, the two fastest-growing ethnic groups in the land.   Dr. Grace Vuoto

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