African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

ICC Prosecutor goes for Gadhafi – Warrant of arrest request today

Posted by African Press International on May 16, 2011

According to Daily Nation, Kenya – “The UN war crimes court’s chief prosecutor said Monday he would seek arrest warrants against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and his intelligence head for crimes against humanity.” “Today, the office of the prosecutor requested the International Criminal Court (issue) arrest warrants,” Luis Moreno-Ocampo said at a press conference in The Hague, where the International Criminal Court is based. The Argentinian prosecutor said there was evidence “that Muammar Kadhafi personally ordered attacks on innocent Libyan civilians”. A panel of ICC judges will now have to decide whether to accept or reject the prosecutor’s application, based on his case file.”

This request to the ICC judges by Prosecutor Moreno will even make Gadhafi more stubborn. He will not surrender. He may even become more and more difficult to deal with.

The UN wants ceasefire and Gadhafi is willing to talk, but not to surrender power.

By Chief editor Korir

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