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Archive for May 7th, 2011

Kenya: who are the true benefactors of a vast land in Samburu East?

Posted by African Press International on May 7, 2011

For many years, the British Army (BA) has been using the land in Samburu East (SE) for their training operations. For a couple of years ago, the locals resorted into demonstrations at Archer’s Post in Waso Division after being fed-up for being paid peanuts and inhumanly by the BA for the work they were doing at the BA’s training camp like for example washing clothes and general cleaning. Now, were the BA aware of this inhuman act, or there were proxies that curtailed the rights from the locals?

Furthermore, the question that lingers in many minds of the local residents is that-why should the BA continue to pay monies directly to the Kenyan Government; Central Government, rather than formulating or devolving a mechanism for the locals in SE to be the real beneficiaries of their own land now that we have a new constitution? One local resident from Archer’s post was once quoted saying that this issue can’t be buried into the sand, and that justice will one day resurface.

 More over, in 2003 according to the report by the BBC, hundreds of Kenyan tribeswomen who say they were raped by UK soldiers were granted British legal aid to sue the Ministry of Defense. If so, how far did this go since then, yet many are unaware and still wondering when justice will prevail for the traumatized local samburu women?

The residents of Archer’s Post in Waso division; which is in Samburu East Constituency (SEC), popularly known for their fierce fight for compensation from the BA for injuries caused by ordinances (cluster bombs) left in their area and alleged raping of their women by the foreign soldiers are yet in another struggle to reclaim the ownership of army vast training land at a place called losesia and Sira which is under Losesia Group Ranch.

I personally view that the unexploded cluster bombs that are left after irresponsibly training anyhow is a reckless behavior at the expense of many local lives who are unaware of what even a bomb is, in the first place. Despite the issue having been sketchily addressed in the past, this issue needs to be addressed well so as to avert the possibilities of more loss of local innocent lives again in the near future. Or else, the BA should just pack their bags and train elsewhere.

There is an anxiety currently growing among the Archer’s Post inhabitants this time strongly with the wish wanting the Kenyan Government through the ministry of land headed by Honorable Orengo to clarify how and when their land currently used by BA and the foreign troops for their training was transformed to be owned by the army without notice. And if the Losesia Group members are uninformed, then this constitutional rights’ issue needs to be addressed and left to rest for once and for all.

In 2003-2004 through citizen news media, the Samburu community elders who are the members of the Losesia Group Ranch claimed that they were in a possession of maps used by BA troops which indicated that the entire Waso Divison which has well over 10,000 inhabitants is a military. The area consists of four locations/sub-locations of learata, losesia, laresoro and Archer’s Post. The community elders alleges that a large portion of land used by the army personnel is a community land after declaration by the lands and settlement department as East Waso adjudication section in 1981, in a letter dated September 23, in the same year. Further evidences revealed by the local elders shows that by then; while the adjudication registers were opened, 1800 members were registered as the legitimate owners of the vast land.

There are complaints that the military has been encroaching on the vast land meant for grazing space for the pastoralist communities in SE despite having 90,000 acres of land being set aside for training range, which they are urging for re-gazettement. This encroachment especially during the dry seasons triggers the locals to migrate to the neighboring communities in such of pasture which sometimes results to the chronic problem of cattle rustling yet they have a vast land.

The pastoralists’ elders said in a meeting held at Achers Post town once said that they had been pressurized to give out their land as they did with Samburu National Reserve and fear they could be rendered squatters on their own land soon again. However this year; 2011 around March-April likewise too, a parliamentary lands committee was dispatched from Nairobi to help in coming up with a solution to this problem. Now, how far did this went, and was it really fruitful?

The residents of Archer’s Post are therefore now appealing to the minister of land to launch an investigation and resolve the oownerships problem before the innocent locals are driven out of their own native land. The community elders are even accusing now their leaders of having failed them for decades instead of assisting them to protect their land rights.

They said that the leaders ought to lead them in establishing if the Samburu County Council colluded or was also up  to curve out some more land meant for SIRA wildlife conservancy in the area and called upon the government to address the land ownership issue before it gets out of hand as they would not allow any further sub-division for development at the expense of their future lives and children.

This community has undergone several challenges, and once won a compensation case worth million of shillings to pay damages to the locals maimed in ordnance explosions in the training area. The community claim that it can hire services of a renown international lawyer to assist them pursue the land ownership and have those encroaching or fiddling with their land rights to account for it. The persistent problem is attributed to the elected leaders’ failure to demonstrate leadership.

 The author of the article is Lesiamito Malino John, from Oslo, Norway. The author is a postgraduate student in Information Systems and Computing, and can be reached on


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Kenya is an African leader in developing innovative

Posted by African Press International on May 7, 2011

Kenya recently hosted Connected Kenya, a three-day ICT conference to discuss the newest technology developments in
the sector, how to improve connectivity across the country and how the government and private sector can adopt technology to improve services and reduce costs.

-Equity Bank announced at the Connected Kenya summit that it will launch a technology incubation and innovation center in Nairobi.
The center will bring academia and technology together in the hopes of cultivating new application developers and helping them commercialize their innovations.

-Kenyan ICT companies and entrepreneurial developers have created a wide range innovative technologies enabling Kenyans to use their mobile phones to do everything from accessing banking services and receiving medical test results to tracking their vehicles.

Source:  The Standard []
Source:  IT News Africa [ -center-in-kenya/]

Source:  Business Daily Africa [ stolen+vehicle+via+SMS/-/539444/1156358/-/11shrpoz/-/]

To learn more about Kenya visit  []          

This material is distributed by Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates on behalf of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kenya.

By Lisa Mendelson

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Posted by African Press International on May 7, 2011

In still one more act of piracy by the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Bruce Terpstra, District Superintendent of the Metropolitan District of the C&MA, has filed a major lawsuit against Community Church of Paramus (CCP) on November 19, 2010 in the Superior Court of Bergen County, New Jersey, Case # C-390-10.  This Draconian act, should Bruce Terpstra succeed, would leave the members and Spanish congregation which meets there church-homeless, and follows the same pattern and template of what the C&MA did to the Chinese Alliance church in Colorado Springs (reported in Christianity Today and Colorado Gazette), the Vietnamese Boat People Church in Long Beach, California, and Reedsville Church in Pennsylvania, rendering members as trespassers on their own property.  And just like they did to the Chinese Alliance Church, C&MA leaders declared the Community Church of Paramus meetings invalid. As in the case of the Chinese Alliance Church, the CCP mortgage was paid for by the members of this local church. 

The C&MA leaders trashed and held in complete contempt the local church’s constitution and bylaws, abused their spiritual authority, assassinated the character of its members, and threatened its pastor, Joseph Smaha, by yanking his credentials and declaring him guilty even BEFORE a fair ecclesiastical trial has taken place.  Twelve years ago, Bruce Terpstra had falsely accused members of New Life C&MA affiliated church of intending to sue this church.  He refused to repent when confronted for bearing false witness to these members or the congregation.  A letter was written to Pastor Robert Tilli at Cornerstone C&MA Church, in Pompton Plains, New Jersey, when Bruce Terpstra was Senior Pastor there, informing him that the members had no intention of suing the church.  But Terpstra still refused to repent.  So it is ironic that now it is Terpstra who has really sued a church that had been in the C&MA.  It is further ironic that Pastor Bob Tilli (now Senior Pastor at Cornerstone C&MA Church in New Jersey) gave a sermon (“Loose Lips Sink Ships”) which applies directly to Bruce Terpstra’s destabilizing a church in his own district with loose lips.  Now contrast Bruce Terpstra’s threat of force with God’s people with Rev. Phil Roising’s, statement, Senior Pastor of Longhill Chapel, one of Terptra’s flagship churches in his C&MA Metro District, quoting John Wesley:

“Never dream of forcing men into the ways of God. Think yourself, and let think. Use no constraint in matters of religion. Even those who are farthest out of the way never compel to come in by any other means than reason, truth…” Complete Seven Page Report & Investigation, including the posting of the lawsuit filed by Bruce Terpstsra available at:


PASTOR JOE SMAHA email: smahajoseph @ SOURCE:

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Women Right Concept Foundation conferences

Posted by African Press International on May 7, 2011

Women Right Concept Foundation sends our warn greetings to our entire members worldwide. And with great enthusiasm, we wish to invite individuals, groups, and women focused organization to be part of our forthcoming combined conference with Theme “Stopping violence against women and children, the way forward” taking place in the United States and the United Kingdom .
The conferences are of two segments.
Firstly, one shall commence in Seattle, Washington , USA. On the 7th of June till the 10th of June, 2011 at Plestcheeff convention centre 1424 4th Avenue, Seattle , WA 98101
The second segment shall take place in UK and shall commence on the
 13th of June till the 16th of June, 2011 at 72 High Street Hamble, Southampton , SO31 4JE   
Through these events, we aim to strengthen the capacity of voluntary sector organizations that are working to influence policy and improve the status of women and also among other things as below.
1. To discuss and understand current proposals on legal aid and the implications for women’s access to justice
2. To re-educate and enlighten women about their rights and also promote
 a common goal of building safe, supportive and good communities.
3. To create spaces for the women of the world to acquire the power of collective action, critical dialogue and community organizing to undermine violence against women
4. To equip the adult participants with vital tools and know-how that will aid them in conducting such workshops amongst themselves in their various countries.
5. This seminar will equip you with a better understanding of the way that the proposed changes will affect the women that you work with and enable you to respond to the consultation. Participants will engage in a question and answer session on the current proposals and the potential impact of the proposed changes on women’s access to justice.
We have noticed that this is an incredible means of interacting with different organizations of the world on a particular issue as it affect mankind.
This seminar and debate is open to representatives from voluntary and statutory sector organizations interested in finding out about, and campaigning on, the law and policy related to access to justice and civil legal aid. It is open to women and men and will be publicized widely.
Moreover, funding maybe provided for individuals from qualifying organizations. Provisions have been made for all delegates to this event, all round tickets, feeding and accommodation in USA by our sponsors. All delegates will take care of their feeding and accommodation in the UK as our resources do not cover that.
Mode of application:
Interested organizations should forward the following information about their organization.
1. Aims and objectives of their organization.
2. Organization profile.
3. Achievements so far.
Only groups with delegates between the numbers of two and ten selected members would be allowed to participate from each of the selected countries. Individuals who do not belong to any organization but are interested to participate should form a group of at least two persons. All participants MUST be part of the two segments or their forms will not be processed.
Send applications  to mrsnancy.peterson @

By Mrs.Nancy Peterson.

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Posted by African Press International on May 7, 2011


Many Kenyans used to condemn the reign of retired president Moi for the many ills griping the country during his long tenure. There were endless complains over the poor state of the economy, corruption, political repression and so on. Blaming Moi over the ills afflicting the nation at any given moment in time was the norm. Moreover by the time Moi regime was coming to an end in 2002 Kenyans used to sing loudly ‘’Yote Yawezekana bila Moi’’ (All was achievable with Moi away). Kibaki and NARC took over and same problems and new problems are emerging. Corruption for instance has refused to go and so is tribalism.

Right now the nation is under the grip of a major fuel shortage. I have experienced it directly myself. On Tuesday 3rd of May 2011 evening, I drove the whole of Nairobi CBD looking for fuel amidst a rain storm. Once unsuccessful I went to Westland’s area, Parklands and with some rumour via SMS that there is fuel on Jogoo road I decided to venture there. Amidst frustration and 3 hours wasted I had to pack in one Shell petrol stations hoping for a miracle.

I did call friends all over the city to try and locate somewhere where there could be petrol. I got a friend telling me that there was fuel in a petrol station in Kibera and that there is a long queue of cars waiting to be served. From Jogoo road to Kibera is quite a distance and considering the traffic jam or gridlock that is the norm in Nairobi more so whenever it rains, this would have been next to impossible to manage. Meanwhile I also had already run out of fuel.

It took me another three hours to connect via relatives and friends to obtain some fuel which was bought and brought via a 10 litres jerrycan from somewhere in Kayole. By then I had gone through friends postings via face book to locate where fuel was available. I also managed through the same face book postings to spot some fuel in an independent unbranded dealer somewhere in Jogoo road in a so small fuel station which was difficult to locate. All in all I wasted fuel and time and arrived home at midnight. Going through the face book postings I could tell many of my friends arrived at the same time and a lady colleague had arrived well past 2 am after being held in the gridlock.

Now somebody need to tell us whether this is the new Kenya people cherished. Meanwhile I need to give Kibaki a lot of credit for reviving a then decaying economy, free primary education, road infrastructure improvements and the new constitution. But there is so much unfinished business. The management of key facilities and institutions is still wanting. Moreover cartels and corrupt characters are still hoarding the country.

With an economy requiring so much to re-engineer, the last Kenya can afford is to let gangs of individuals run roughshod over the rest. Whether it’s some governmental bureaucrats, some marketing businesses or even the likely shady characters, they need to be stopped!

 Recently there was shortage of maize then condoms then ID cards now fuel and we don’t know what next. Perhaps it might be shortage of ballot papers for the would be bloated number of candidates and seats in the next general election in 2012. A country of shortages gains no respect.

By Harrison  Mwirigi  Ikunda, Nairobi-Kenya


The writer is a Consultant and Researcher working for a Not for Profit Organisation with an office in Kenya covering the African region.

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