African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Posted by African Press International on March 5, 2010

Former KTN presenter Esther Arunga at a past media briefing. Photo/FILE

Esther Arunga at a past media briefing. Photo/FILE


Former TV anchor Esther Arunga, who has been in the media spotlight in the past two weeks, is now married to the all mysterious Quincy Timberlake, who is still in police custody.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Ms Arunga said she has now changed her name officially from Esther Adongo Arunga to Esther Adongo Timberlake. According to her, the exchange of vows took place on Wednesday night after she successfully managed to escape from her parents house.

She announced on Thursday evening, together with her pastor Joseph Hellon, at a press conference held at Runda estate. She also said she is seeking Sh300 million in damages and stated that she will also sue her parents for taking her there.

The former presenter also said that she is suing media houses, seeking a total sum of Sh30 million. According to the papers filed in court on Thursday, Ms Arunga says she was arrested and later released to the custody of her parents without any charges being preferred against her.

She also accuses her parents of subjecting her to a check-up at a psychiatric institution and keeping her in their house against her will. She wants the court to restrain her parents, Dr Robert Arunga and Mrs Petoline Arunga, from interfering with her rights and freedom.

She also wants the court to stop her parents from having any physical control over her. Ms Arunga complains that her personal belongings including her mobile phone, national identity card, and passport were confiscated by police, whom she claims were acting under her parents instructions.

According to her, the CID officers abused their power through arbitrary arrest and detention. Ms Arunga says she managed to sneak out of her parents custody and was now seeking security from the courts by having her parents issued with restraining orders. The case is to be brought before Lady Justice Jeanne Gacheche on Friday.

Meanwhile, an MP has asked the Security minister to tell Parliament under which law police stormed a house in Runda and arrested Finger of God members. Imenti Centrals Gitobu Imanyara also wants the minister to explain how the State determines the right religion and what amounts to a criminal cults.

Additional reporting by Caroline Wafula

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