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Archive for March 4th, 2010

Norway and India enter into an agreement on fisheries cooperation

Posted by African Press International on March 4, 2010

Norway and India have entered into an agreement on cooperation in the areas of fisheries and aquaculture. Our long-term ambition is that India will be a major new market for Norwegian fish, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre said today, after signing the agreement during his official visit to New Delhi.

The agreement that has been concluded sets out the institutional framework for aquaculture cooperation between Norway and India. India is among the ten largest seafood producers in the world, and half of its production is from fish farming.

Norway has considerable expertise in the field of aquaculture, and there is great potential for cooperation with India in this sector, Foreign Minister Stre commented.

Norway and India have also concluded negotiations on a taxation agreement and a social security agreement, which are to be signed this spring and which will give companies interested in investing in India more predictable framework conditions.

There is increasing competition for Asias attention. In order for Norway to further its interests in the best possible way in the future, we must forge strong economic and political ties to the new Asia, Mr Stre said. A growing number of Norwegian companies are establishing themselves in India, and the Foreign Minister met representatives from Telenor, Aker Solutions, DNV and SN Power, among others.

It is important that Norwegian companies in India focus on their corporate social responsibility, and my impression is that the Norwegian companies I have met here today place great emphasis on CSR, Mr Stre said.

In addition to focusing on the framework conditions for Norwegian companies, Mr Stre took part in political talks during his visit to New Delhi. During his meeting with Foreign Minister Krishna, the international climate negotiations, the WTO, and developments in Afghanistan were discussed.

Norway and India share an interest in promoting a stable and democratic Afghanistan. India is a key actor in the region, and I was very interested in my Indian colleagues analysis of the situation, said Mr Stre.


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Posted by African Press International on March 4, 2010

Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre is visiting Pakistan today for talks with the Pakistani authorities, including Prime Minister Gilani and Foreign Minister Qureshi.

Our relations with Pakistan are important for Norway. Given the large number of Norwegians of Pakistani origin and Pakistans key role in its surrounding region, it is important for the Government to have good contact with the Pakistani authorities, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre said.

During his visit, the Foreign Minister will also meet representatives of the countrys provincial governments and the opposition, as well as the International Red Cross, Telenor, and Pakistani commentators. Pakistan occupies a central position in a region that has become increasingly important to Norway, among other things due to Norways involvement in Afghanistan.

Pakistan plays a key role in the stabilisation of Afghanistan, and it has suffered great losses in the fighting in the border areas. I will underscore that we hope that Pakistan can contribute to finding peaceful solutions in the region. I will also try to gain greater insight into the humanitarian consequences of the conflicts in the border areas, Mr Stre commented.

Norway is also supporting Pakistan in the area of development cooperation, and it participates in the group Friends of Democratic Pakistan. The main priority areas for Norwegian development assistance to Pakistan are education, health and good governance.


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Norway hits hard on the Iranians: Norway requests Iranian diplomat to leave the country

Posted by African Press International on March 4, 2010

On 24 February, the Norwegian Ambassador in Teheran was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry. During the meeting he was given an official note and a letter addressed to Foreign Minister Stre, in which Iran protested against Norway having granted asylum to Mohammed Reza Heydari.

At the same meeting, the Iranian authorities requested that a Norwegian diplomat should leave Iran. The reason given for this was that Mr Heydari had been granted asylum in Norway.

Norway has reacted strongly to the Iranian authorities request that a Norwegian diplomat should leave Teheran because of an asylum matter in Norway. This is a totally unacceptable reaction on the part of Iran. The right to seek asylum is enshrined in international law, said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre.

Mr Heydaris asylum application has been assessed on an individual basis, and the competent immigration authorities have concluded that he fulfils the requirements for being granted asylum in Norway.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repudiated Irans protests in a note and a letter to the Iranian Foreign Minister, as well as at a meeting with the Iranian charg daffaires in Oslo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also requested that an Iranian diplomat should leave Norway.


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