African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Kibaki to the voters: I am the best for the country

Posted by African Press International on November 23, 2007

pauline-onyango.jpgBy Pauline Onyango

API/APN in Kenya

President Kibaki  told the electorate that he was the best among those eyeing the top seat. Kibaki was back to Ukambani.   If re-elected, Kibaki said the Government would tarmac the Tawa-Kiteta-Itangini road. He was addressing rallies at Kitima and Kalawa trading centres in Mbooni constituency.

He said the Government had initiated many development projects in all parts of the country. “Those claiming that my Government has done nothing should say what they have done for Kenyans,” the President said.

He accused his opponents of peddling propaganda, adding that some had served in the Government, but had little to show for it. Kibaki said his Government had revived collapsed industries, which had employed many people. He cited the Kenya Meat Commission, saying it provided a market to livestock farmers.

The President said his administration was committed to revenue collection to fund development projects.

“Those who have not paid taxes will be netted. They should know that their days are numbers,” said Kibaki.

He pointed out that he was confident of clinching a final term, saying this would enable him take the nation to higher levels of prosperity.

Kibaki braved a heavy downpour and poor roads, especially in Mbooni, where many vehicles in his convoy got stuck in mud.

The President, however, used a Kenya Air Force helicopter to crisscross the vast region. Cabinet ministers, Mr Joseph Munyao, Mr John Michuki and Prof Kivutha Kibwana, and Assistant minister, Mr Kalembe Ndile, accompanied him.

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