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Archive for February 7th, 2007

Norway: “The likes of Hagen portray the politics of shortsightedness and should be left alone”, writes Ndirangu

Posted by African Press International on February 7, 2007


Commentary by Ndirangu

A reaction to our earlier story on Carl I Hagen’s wish to force immigrants to learn Norwegian or loose benefits.


I think Hagen’s comments are a sign of political ineptitude. Migrants know that learning a host country language is vital but I think his sentiment are just a show of his disgust as well as his party’s, of migrants.

In actual fact, while his worry is development of ghettos, his policy if applied would actually lead to their development. These people understand that if you push people too much they rebel. By rebelling, migrants will close themselves in their communities.

They(politicians) will start complaining that there is no integration, start segregation of white and black school with little or no funding  and unqualified teachers for the latter, poor standard of education, no jobs, criminality and eventually ghettos.

They will have fulfilled their false prophecy….get migrants, get ghettos, more criminality. This strategy might not be clear at onset, but i have seen it in the Netherlands.

Five years down the line and in the Netherlands, they now have black schools in black neighbour.
These politicians have nothing to loose in order to get more votes(gain popularity), but they are planting seeds of discord and mayhem that only our kids will pay for them in future.

The following points are very clear to any migrant; migrants are needed but they are not welcome, learning the local language is important but there is no need to seek political mileage in such issues and; migration is there to stay and is healthy for any society.

We know we are responsible individuals no matter the location and that is what we strive for. The likes of Hagen portray the politics of shortsightedness and should be left alone.

By Ndirangu

Related story:

Published by African Press in Norway, apn,, tel +47 932 99 739 or +47 6300 2525

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Norway: National Sami Day

Posted by African Press International on February 7, 2007


*”February 6 – National Sami Day – has gained in recognition since its inception in 1993, but the day dedicated to the indigenous people of Northern Norway is not an official holiday.

National Sami Day being celebrated at the National Heritate Museum at Bygdøy in Oslo.

PHOTO: Aagaard, Rolf M.

In the northern city of Tromsø, the capital of Troms County, gave the day its broadest celebration ever, with a week-long range of special events focusing on Sami culture and crafts and ending with the Norwegian reindeer racing championships on Sunday.

At the same time the mayor of Tromsø, Herman Kristoffersen, made headlines by refusing to wear the kofte, a traditional, colorful, Sami knit jacket, given to him for the occasion.

Sonja Torvik, manager of the newly built Sami Day Care Center, would like parents to be able to have the day off from work to celebrate the national day at the center, which is the only one in Tromsø with Sami as a first language.

Silje Karine Moutka, head of the National Association of Norwegian Sami, would like to see the day become a holiday in the Barents region, and has the support of international law specialist Eirik Holmøyvik at the University of Bergen.

Holmøyvik believes there is a world of difference between making the occasion a calendar holiday and granting Sami autonomy, which many critics of the idea fear.

“It is a utopian belief, Sami autonomy in Norway. But we have recognized that Norway is composed of two nations, so there is no reason not to grant the Sami a holiday on a par with the 17th of May (Norway’s Independence Day),” Holmøyvik told newspaper Finnmarken.

Aili Keskitalo, president of the Sami parliament, the Sameting, is not convinced the time is right for making the occasion a full-fledged holiday. Instead she would prefer that more public institutions would grant their employees a day off if desired.

The date of the special day Sami marks the first Sami national congress, in 1917, in the city of Trondheim.”*

*”/”*Lifted and published by African Press in Norway, apn,, tel +47 932 99 739, or +47 63002525 source.aftenpostenENG

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Otieno K’Opiyo’s lust for power erupts, causing him to defect from Ford Kenya to ODM-K

Posted by African Press International on February 7, 2007


Recently, K’Opiyo in partnership with another Ford Kenya member wanted to remove Ford Kenya Chairman Musikari Kombo. After failing to convince the court to be recognised as one of the leaders, K’Opiyo’s lust for power has forced him to defect from Ford Kenya and join ODM-Kenya hoping to get access to parliament.

K’Opiyo and Kombo were in Norway last year as visitors of the Christian Party. The delegation were lodged in a small hotel in the middle of Oslo. They complained a great deal that they were forced to settle in small rooms with the smallest TV sets.

K’Opiyo’s hunt for a white woman sex partner in Norway succeeded

After the conference they were attending was over, K’Opiyo and another delegate chose to experience Oslo’s night life. K’Opiyo was enthusiastic to get a white woman from the bar  for the night. When he was told that there was danger of getting diseases if one messed around, Mr K’Opiyo dismissed it saying, life was there to be enjoyed.

With some Kenyans as his drinking mates in the bar the night long, K’Opiyo wanted to use his power as Ford Kenya’s deputy secretary general in hooking a white woman, saying he saw no point in travelling back to Kenya before having a white experience for a change. What he did not know is the fact that women in Norway do not necessarily accept a man because of titles, but understanding, personality and charm.

After struggling for many hours boasting of his title without success, he settled for an older white woman, a well-known Oslo night bird.

When asked why he was desperate to get one white woman, he complained about the way the Christian Party had treated the delegation. He narrated how they were kept busy throughout since their arrival in the country, without having the freedom to look around and do whatever he wanted.

K’Opiyo’s hunt for a parliament seat using ODM-K ticket may not succeed:

Now K’Opiyo wants to represent Kasipul Kabondo community in parliament through ODM-K ticket in the coming elections. People should choose leaders who are responsible and not those when abroad on conferences, use their time hunting for women and acting carelessly, a behaviour not suitable for a leader.

The nation quotes him saying, “I have today tendered my resignation as Ford Kenya’s national deputy secretary general and as such defected to ODM-K following several months of soul-searching.”

He explains that his defection, “was necessitated by unending wrangles rocking Ford-K, saying this had watered down its democratic ideals and structures.”

Blaming others in order to be understood as a defector does not make sense. He is the one who went to court trying to take over the party from their chairman Mr Kombo. He is one of those who caused the wrangling, but now he says, “We fought very hard for democracy not only in the country but within Ford Kenya for the past 15 years. But now, Ford Kenya has turned into a party that does not adhere to any democratic ideals.”

Is it democracy to run to court and try to take over a party when one is not elected to lead such party? Even if one has been active participant in fighting for democracy in the country, that does not give one the right to claim ownership of a party.

In trying to justify his move he says, “The way in which decisions are made leaves a lot to be desired. I can therefore no longer stay in such a party.”

It it reported that, “Mr K’Opiyo, a one time fierce critic of Lang’ata MP Raila Odinga, said he had already submitted his name as an ODM-K delegate at the party’s Kokwanyo East sub-location office.”

Can you imagine! Now he joins ODM-K at the last minute and wants to be one of the delegates involved in choosing ODM-K presidential candidate, and he is clear in what he wants for himself saying his move, “would enable him to fully take part in the party’s forthcoming presidential nomination.”

The man is an outsider and yet he has the guts to start telling ODM-K leaders what to do only a day after joining the party. He is quoted asking, “ODM-K presidential aspirants to remain united after the nominations”, telling them that, “this was the only way they would capture the presidency.”

Subscribing to the fact that, “Kibaki is a very formidable force. No doubt, his development record is unquestionable”, K’Opiyo  who is 47 years old, a one time journalist and former Kasipul Kabondo member of parliament (1992 and 1997) wants Kibaki out, telling the media that he wants to be one of the players in removing Kibaki from the presidency.

Latest development: According to the Kenya Times, K’Opiyo has now been rejected by ODM-K. They do not want him to join because they believe that he simply wants an easy ride to parliament using ODM-k’s ladder.

By Korir,

Published by African Press in Norway, apn,, tel +47 932 99 739 or +47 6300 2525

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Clay Onyango gives his advice against fighting in Kenyan, (African Parties) and wife beatings in Sweden

Posted by African Press International on February 7, 2007



A reaction by Onyango to stories in Kenya Stockholm Blog


As much as we are condemning wife beating. we should also strongly condemn fighting in Kenyan /African Parties.

I met a friend of mine in Stockholm who had also attended Mzee Wuod Maggeros function and I could not recognize him because the lip was blocking one nostril, you could not differentiate the nose from the lips.

I asked him what happened, he told me that he was awarded some fists at the same function and he could barely remember who it was needless to mention.. we all know why.

Fortunately, after a few hypnosis he remembered who the donor was. How can we avoid such circumstances?

Here are a few tips:

  • We should always avoid over drinking as if it’s the last drink.
  • Always avoid confrontation when you are drunk because beer makes you feel stronger than anyone else.
  • If you see your enemy at the same party, take your last order and leave the venue.
  • Pretend to be a coward if offended.
  • Never come in between conflicts if you are drunk.
  • Always go to the gym or jog to minimize hot tempers and reduce your pride.
  • Never laugh loudly to attract donors,this will irritate them.
  • Take some Karate lessons for self defence and to incur self confidence and discipline.
  • Always have a non drinking company when you go out, he might stop you from confrontations.

A few ways to stop confrontation with your wife or girlfriend:  

  • If both of you are heavy consumers of alcohol, avoid accompanying him/her to venues-this will save you from embarrassments
  • Always agree to who stays at home and who goes out If you both accompany one another to venues, avoid over-drinking.
  • Always leave the venue early at least by 0200 AM
  • Always carry one wallet or purse to control the expenditure and alcohol
  • Always avoid hugs and kisses greetings, one might judge it wrongly
  • Don’t have long conversations with a she friend or a he friend-one might think you are cooking something
  • Always keep your problems to yourselves at home If a relationship does not work.. let it loose. There are many fishes in
    the sea.I hope this few tips will help our fellow Kenyans and Africans from this bad behaviour. I wish my friend a happy recovery.

Cheers and respect always.

Clay Onyango.

Related stories:

Published by African Press in Norway, apn,, tel +47 932 99 739, or +47 6300 2525

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