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Archive for October 31st, 2006

Immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers to be denied entry to Norway!

Posted by African Press International on October 31, 2006

Siv Jensen, the chairperson of the Progress Party, who recently took over the leadership of the party from a veteran politician Carl I. Hagen, wants the Norwegian people to go to a referendum and vote on how many immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers Norway should allow into the country on a yearly basis.

Her emphasis is on the people from the third world.

In her political fights to convince the government not to allow more than 1000 to enter the country, she argues that she is only concerned in stopping the influx of those from non-western countries.

If she succeeds in this campaign, to have the people decide in a referendum, it is likely she may win the referendum vote against the coalition parties now in power because her party has a large following at present.

Those who will suffer most, if the maximum 1000 target is introduced, are the Africans.

Many people from Africa, have come to Norway due to conflicts in there countries. Most of those to be affected are persons who wish to join their relatives already living in Norway through the family re-union program.

The Progress Party argues that the third world people, who mainly come from Africa should be assisted in countries bordering their own instead of travelling as far as Norway to look for refuge.

To show the ruling parties that she means business, Jensen travelled together with members of the parliamentary Regional and Administration Committee to Denmark to meet Danish politicians, and study the ways that the Danish have introduced in their efforts to stop the influx of third world people, mainly from Afrcica, into Denmark.

In support of her party boss, the party’s parliamentary spokesman on immigration matters, Mr Per-Willy Amundsen, has stated that Denmark has now managed to reduce the number of non-western people coming on family re-union program to 1/3 and this has encouraged the progress party in their struggle to introduce the same rules in Norway.

Norway is a country known to engage in peace projects around the world, solving conflicts.

When it comes to helping immigrants, refuggees and asylum seekers to settel in their own country, the Norwegians are reluctant people. They are best in giving money to suffering people and upplift their living standards as long as they stay out of Norway.

According to reliable sources, the ruling coalition parties will not pass a vote in parliament that will allow a referendum because such a referendum will be considered discriminatory against non-western countries.

Norway is hoping to get a seat as a permanent member in the security council. In order to get enough enough votes, they will need the support from African countries in the UN body.

Norwegians are aware of this fact, and will not want to come in conflict with the African countries, because capturing a permanent seat in the security council gives a small country like Norway a world-wide recognition so badly needed to internationalise the Norwegian politicians. 

By Korir, APN

(Source of the story> (VG 26.09.06 kl. 06:48)

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Protected: A South African Diplomat in Norway accused of Rape!

Posted by African Press International on October 31, 2006

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