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Archive for October 30th, 2006

Raila Odinga touring western countries, attacks Kibaki’s government!

Posted by African Press International on October 30, 2006

Leaders in Kenya were furious yesterday towards Mr Raila Odinga, who while on a visit to Canada has criticised the achievements of president Kibaki’s government.

According to Daily Nation of Kenya, “Leaders yesterday dismissed Langata MP Raila Odinga as a “sell-out” over his attacks on the government.”

Raila was a member of Moi government that has been accused of corruption. When Kibaki took over as Kenya’s president, he appointed Raila as a minister in his government. While in government little can be shown on Raila’s record as a man who fought corruption. Instead, there is a lot that can be shown on Raila’s record as a man who has been, and still is, fighting for leadership change.

Many have accused Raila of fighting hard to become Kenya’s president or prime minister, and some say he will never be satisfied until he gets one of the top positions in Kenya.

In the last few months, Raila has travelled a great deal in the west addressing different forums.

Some Kenyan ministers are now lashing on Raila for damaging Kenya’s image abroad by attacking the government he once served as minister, until his sacking by president Kibaki early this year.

Some of the ministers who think Raila is not a man to be trusted are Trade minister Dr Mokhisa Kituyi, Water minister Mr Mutua Katuku and assistant ministers Mwangi Kiunjuri and Danson Mungatana.

Speaking from Rwanda to the Daily Nation, Dr Kituyi is reported to have said: “It’s irresponsible for a leader of Raila’s status to tell lies about Kenya in a foreign country.” and as he continued his lashing on the Langata MP,  “He described Mr Odinga’s remarks as “blatant lies” that should be ignored.”

At the same time the Daily Nation reports that “Mr Katuku accused the ODM Kenya leader of having failed to fight corruption when he was a minister in the Kanu regime.”

The attacks has come about due to Raila’s speech in Toronto, Canada on friday.

According to Daily Nation, “the Langata MP told a forum at Toronto University, Canada, that the Kibaki administration had spent its four years in office “stoking ethnic rivalry and hatred” and promoting corruption to its highest levels.”

Raila told his audience that ODM is the only hope for Kenya, and according to the Daily Nation report, Raila stated that “By rewarding excellence and merit, the party is determined to allow people to become what they are capable of becoming, rather than ensuring that, if they happen to belong to an ethnic group different from those holding high office, they remain forever at the bottom of the pile.”

He was presenting a speech titled Governance in Kenya: Past mistakes, Present Challenges and Future Prospects.

While speaking to his audience, the Nation reports Raila did not spare MPs. “He described them as corrupt, while ministers were perennially absent from  the house.” and he added that “Crucial legislative Bills have piled up business in the House has ground to near-halt. Civil servants managed only 30 per cent of government plans. Mayoral elections disintegrate into violent brawls.”

While defending the government assistant minister Kiunjuri is reported to have said that “Mr Odinga wanted to please foreigners so as to get funding for ODM-K’s campaign.” While on the other hand Mr Mungatana is reported to have “warned Kenyans to be wary of Mr Odinga and ODM as they were more willing “to please foreigners than serve Kenyans”.

President Kibaki, however, is satisfied with the achievements of his government and has no time for unnecessary politicking.

By Korir, African Press – Norway

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