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Archive for October 27th, 2006

Former Ghanian President Rawlings accused for plotting a coup!

Posted by African Press International on October 27, 2006

Former President of Ghana, Jerry Rawlings has been accused by his successor President John Kufuor for plotting a coup.

Rawlings has denied the charge.

Rawlings, a former military man, took over power years back by staging a coup. He later returned to the barracks after handing over power to civilian rule.

The civilian leaders who took over power decided to arrest Rawlings and jail him.  This act by civilian leaders prompted another coup that removed them from power.

Rawling’s loyal military men, managed to return him to power as head of the military and president of the country.

After ruling the country for a number of years, Rawlings decided to return the country once again to civilian rule, but this time, he decided to stand as candidate for presidency as a civilian.

In the last elections, Rawlings did not contest for re-election in accordance with the constitution requirements that did not allow him to go for another term.

The transition was peaceful enabling Mr John Kufuor take over the presidency.

Details are yet to come out whether President Kufuor’s allegation is true.

This could be an attempt by a weaken president, because he is not able to fulfill his campaign promises, to get an excuse to arrest and detain Rawlings because he feels his power is threatened.

By Korir, APN


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Clay’s Operation Thunder Bolt might divide Kenyans in Sweden!

Posted by African Press International on October 27, 2006

Kenyans in Sweden are planning to collect money to built apartments in Kenya. They call the project >Operation Thunder Bolt<, a very interesting name for a house project.

A Mr Clay Onyango is the brainmaster for the project which is expected to have 50 members contributing kr 100 each on a monthly basis for a period of ten years.

Contributing members are promised an apartment in ten years time.

Mr Onyango has calculated that each member will have contributed to the plan a total of kr.12000 within ten years. And for that amount the member will get an apartment in Kenya ready built. Clay Onyango has estimated that the 50 members will have collected a total of kr.600.000, in a period of ten years.

Surely, kr 600 000 as guarantee, as planned by Mr Onyango, to acquire a loan in a Kenyan bank and built 50 apartments must be a dream, if one has to built all the 50 apartments complete with everything including purchasing plots for the houses.

He also states that should a member change his or her mind before the period of ten years has elapsed, such member will get money refunded, but with 25% of what the said member will have contributed “as active member” tol be retained as “non-refundable.”

Is that non-refundable to be considered administrative costs?

We do not doubt Clay Onyango’s intentions. This is a noble idea if planned and executed well.

We have realised, from reading Kenya Stockholm Blog, that Kenyans in Sweden are united. This is a good thing for people from one nation, far away from home living in the western world.

If Clay’s plan is not planned and executed well, it will start, colapse and divide Kenyans in Sweden and might cause long term animosity.

The project is already receiving critisism by some Kenyans who are conscious. They are raising many questions ranging from, “who will look after the money, why the money will be banked by the Kenyan embassy in Stockholm, and what happens should a contributing member die.” The more it is discussed, the more questions will arise.

Our readers should go to the links we provide below, where they will read about the Clay Plan in details, and also get the opinion of those who are reacting to the plan.

For details on the Clay Plan go to the link below:

Apartments For Kenyans Through “Operation Thunder Bolt”

For comments from Kenyans reacting to the plan, please go to the links below:

By Korir, APN

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African films gain international recognition

Posted by African Press International on October 27, 2006

African films is gaining international recognition, reports ANB, Oslo.

International film producers are now getting more interested in African stories and turning them to films. Hollywood has shown great interest in Africa and is now giving room for making serious films on African history. 

The stories are on present issues, and before the colonial times. According to Associated press, Australian film producer Phillip Noyce, is of the opinion that conflicts create good drama, and as we all know, the continent of Africa is not short of past and present stories on conflicts.

A Noyce produced film that is now ready for release to the public is >>Catch a Fire<<, with Derek Luke and Tim Robbins as major participants.

The film focuses on the apartheid period in South Africa and the struggle by the majority of South Africans to get rid of it in the 80’s. The film will be shown in Norway in January next year.

Other popular films from, and about Africa are on the way to be released. Producers are encouraged by the success achieved  by films about Africa that has been released, and will now continue their focus on African stories. 

Successful films already released and shown in Norway are The Constant Gardener and Hotel Rwanda. The Constant Gardener received an Oscar award. Hotel Rwanda was nominated for two Oscar awards.

Another example is the film >>Tsotsi<< from South Africa became very popular. It became the first film from Africa to win an Oscar for the best foreign film in 30 years.

A film, The Last King of Scotland, will be showing in Norwegian cinemas in February next year. The film is about former Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin. Among  famous actors you will see is Forest Whitaker.

>>Babel<< is a film on the way also, with main actors like Brad Pitt. This film will be showing in Norwegian cinemas in November. 

By Korir, APN

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