African Press International (API)

"Daily Online News Channel".

Archive for October 24th, 2006

Mr Wesley Snipes, a well-kown hollywood actor escapes to Africa!

Posted by African Press International on October 24, 2006

Mr Wesley Snipes, a well-known hollywood actor has escaped from US marshalls looking for him in connection with tax evation, reports ANB media.

His escape takes him from the US to Namibia in Africa. Why Snipes has chosen Namibia as his hide-out is not known.

If charged and sentenced, he faces over 16 years in the US jail.

The ANB media reports indicate that he has ignored yearly tax returns, and has instead demanded to be paid back 80 million kroner from the US government, claiming that he had paid too much tax in the past years.

This claim may have sparked thorough scrutiny into his earnings.

The ANB media reports that he may never travel back to the US on his free will.

His peace will, however, not last long in Namibia. The US is known to put pressure on countries that give hide-outs to people they want to prosecute, and will blackmail Namibia to extradite Snipes to face charges in the US.

If Namibia refuses to cooperate, it will not be long before it is reported that the US is asking for sanctions against Namibia, if they are interested in having Snipes face justice.

By Korir, APN

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