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Archive for October 18th, 2006

Raila Odinga in a RECORDED SESSION on ODM-K’s intentions

Posted by African Press International on October 18, 2006

Raila Odinga has travelled to many European cities, speaking to Kenyans abroad on ODM-K’s intentions in the coming elections. He wants Kenyans to understand him and his intentions as concerns the future of Kenya.

While in London recently, He told his audience, Kenyans and friends that he has changed his mind from Kibaki Tosha to Kibaki Toka (Kibaki is enough to Kibaki get out). Raila, while campaigning for Raila in the last presidential elections, he reached out to all Kenyans asking them to vote for Kibaki as president because he believed in him. Now, he has no trust in Kibaki’s leadership and is the reason ODM-K is actively educating Kenyans on the benefits they will get if they vote ODM-K to power.

 In a recorded session, Raila Odinga is put in hot seat in London on ODM-K’s future intentions.

Go to the link below and listen to him as he argues his way with his audience in his effort to publicise ODM-K.

Raila Odinga in London video download.

By Korir, APN

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Lords Resistance Army Lt.Gen Vincent Otti Wants to join President Museveni’s government

Posted by African Press International on October 18, 2006

Lords Resistance Army Lt. General ,Vincent Otti wants to join Uganda army in the same rank he now holds in the bush. He is the number two man in LRA fighters, the fighters that have fought President Museveni’s government for a number of years.

According to the monitor of Uganda, the General says he does not want a ministerial appointment or presidency in Uganda, but rather continue in his profession, that of being a soldier.

The question, however, is if he can be trusted in such a position. President Museveni is most likely not to accept a man like him to take up such a position, because he can easily instigate soldiers to overthrow him.

Another hurdle is the fact that he is wanted for trial in the Hauge for crimes against humanity.

His boss in LRA, Kony is also wanted by the international court for trial on the same crimes as his deputy.

Museveni’s government and LRA has, in the few months that have past, engaged in peace talks in Juba, South Sudan where mediators have tried to make the two parties understand the urgent need to achieve peace.

Museveni has refused to meet face to face with Kony and his deputy Lt. Gen Otti. Another factor is that the two LRA men fear for travel to Juba due to the warrant of arrest against them.

Today, Museveni announced he is travelling to Juba, South Sudan to meet with Sudanese Vice President Salva Kiir and other mediators, in an effort to bring in track the peace talks that is falling apart.

In an interview with international media, Museveni stressed his point that he is ot ready to meet the LRA men.

 For details, go to the link below:

By Korir, APN

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