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Archive for October 15th, 2006

Kenyans abroad not to vote, according to Justice and Constitutional minister Karua!

Posted by African Press International on October 15, 2006

Kenyans abroad may be locked out from voting in the next general elections. Now that the government has announced the possibility of doing so, many Kenyans abroad who wanted to vote in order to influence the outcome will be very disappointed.

According to section 32 and 43 of the Kenya constitution, Justice and Constitutional minister M/s Karua is right to argue as such, because elegibilty to vote demands that a voter must be resident in Kenya, or a registered voter in a constituency.

If they have to vote, the law must be changed. Many observers will see this act of refusing Kenyans abroad to vote as plan by the government to frustrate the efforts of ODM-K leaders who have travelled to many countries abroad meeting Kenyans in preparation of next year’s elections.

In the USA many Kenyans are ready to vote. They have already established ODM-K branch in the US. Now ODM-K Scandinavia Chapter has also been established. All the steps is being done efforts by Kenyans abroad to influence the elections and remove the government of the day.

ODM-K leaders will have to focus their attention to changing the law if they want Kenyan abroad to give them votes. The biggest hurdle, however, is the fact that the President is vested with powers to sign parliament acts into law.

According to the Standard, it is estimated that more than 70 000 Kenyans live abroad.

If the President and his confidants consider ODM-K a big threat in the run-up to the elections, there is a big possibility that he will delay the signing of any act that will spoil his chances should he decide to run for re-election.

 According to the Standard Mr Samuel Kivuiti, the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) chairman, wants Kenyans living abroad to stop blaming the Commission for their failure to be enlisted as voters.

“We have persistently informed these patriotic Kenyans about the legal position, but they keep blaming the Commission,” Kivuiti told the Standard.

However, he has stated that efforts should be made in order to enable them to vote despite the high costs that will be involved in the exercise.

Leading leaders of ODM-K,MPs, Mr Raila Odinga and Mr Kalonzo Musyoka, have  travelled widely seeking the support of Kenyans abraod.

For details, go to the link below:

Korir, APN

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ODM-K Scandinavia chapter established in Sweden

Posted by African Press International on October 15, 2006

ODM-K Scandinavia Chapter was established yesterday Saturday the 14Th of October in Stockholm where a number of Kenyans met and took the decision to do so.

According to a report in Kenya Stockholm Blog, the meeting elected interim officials who will meet soon to agree on the way forward.

After the interim committee has met, another meeting will be called to discus and ratify documents to be presented to the Swedish authorities when registering the party in Sweden.

“The Committee was entrusted with the task of drafting a Constitution for ODM-Scandinavia, registering the Party in Sweden, opening a bank account, recruiting new members and calling a member’s meeting in two weeks to discuss the draft Constitution which will then be used to register the Party in Sweden”, reports KSB.

It is also reported that the elected interim members has been given the task to get in touch with ODM-K in Kenya and give information on what is going on in Scandinavia.

For those disatisfied with President Kibaki’s government, they see this as a step in the right direction that will see them fulfil their desire for change in Kenya. It is, however, not an easy task working for change from a distance, but Scandinavia chapter will be in a position to influence things internationally, especially the fight against corruption in Kenya.

They can do that by organising seminars highlighting corruption and the fight for a new constitution which the government is very reluctant to give the Kenyan people.

 For further details, go to the link below:

ODM-Scandinavia Formed In Stockholm

By Korir, African Press – Norway

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Are some Norwegian men promoting prostitution?

Posted by African Press International on October 15, 2006

By Kip-korir/api

Prostitution rampant in Oslo!

Many African women of Nigerian origin from other European countries have taken over Oslo to do the world’s oldest profession – prostitution.

Most of the women are decent looking and could have managed to live decent lives in normal jobs, yet they choose to visit Oslo and sell themselves.

The Norwegian media has written about them and as a result of that, Oslo police called for rules to stop the women from selling themselves in the Oslo streets.

Oslo municipality has responded to the request by imposing restrictions that was seen as a step that could reduce the trade.

When the evening comes everyday in Oslo, however, one sees no change at all. Many Norwegian men both married and unmarried are the ones promoting the trade by actively buying sex from the  women.

African Press (API) has in many occasions observed many Norwegian men picking the women and taking them into their cars and some directly to the nearby hotels.

The most unfortunate thing that happens is the fact that some of the men have sex with more than one woman the same evening.

It has come to our knowledge that most of them do not use protection, instead, they prefer to pay more money and have sex with no condom.

With the spread of HIV these men are doing the most dangerous thing to the population in Norway and the world at large.

These married men when they engage in unprotected sex are putting their wives at home in great danger.

Most of the women are here in Norway to look for money to support their families in Africa and for them unprotected sex as long as it gives them more money will not matter although they later spend sleepless nights in fear of having been given the disease.


According to API the Norwegian men that encourage the trade should be made answerable to this carelessness.

The Norwegian men buying sex come from different backgrounds, high and low in the society and some are even unemployed but getting their income from the social services.

We have observed for many months that most of the men change partners like they do with clothes and seemingly thinking that the more African women prostitutes they buy it is for them a conquest.

Sadly, after having bought sex from the women, whenever they meet them again, they treat them like dirt and some even go as far as being abusive.

The Norwegian police and the municipality should not go after these women, but the promoters who are the Norwegian natives.

For some of them who even choose to travel 300 kilometers from their villages to Oslo during the weekends, do so “to experience African prostitutes” according to a Mr Sande from Bergen.

It has come to our knowledge that some of these men from the villages end up losing everything they come with and travel back to their villages empty-handed, only to face fights with their families.




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